Adding reflections to your scenes in Unity

Niklas Bergstrand
3 min readMay 11, 2021

Adding reflections to your scenes in Unity will have a huge impact on the graphics and make everything look better. Below I will demonstrate how to add baked reflections with Reflection Probe as well as real time reflections using Screen Space Reflections.

Start by adding a Reflection Probe to the scene:

Position the Reflection Probe in the centre of the scene:

Adjust the size of the Reflection Probe to cover the whole area:

When done click on ‘’bake’’:

You can then see the preview of the reflection on the bottom of the inspector:

In order to make it more obvious that the scene now has reflections you can add few spheres with a mirror material:

The next step to make the reflections look better is to add Screen Space Reflections. This type of reflection uses Post Processing and I show how to enable this feature in this article.

Once the Post Processing has been set up, add the effect called Screen Space Reflections to the Post Processing Profile:

The following picture shows when the Reflection Probe and Screen Space Reflections are not enabled:

The following picture is with Reflection Probe enabled:

And the picture with Reflection Probe and Screen Space Reflections applied:

Good luck!

